Stand UP Broadway Presents features a diverse lineup of hilarious local and out of town headliner comedians, some seen on Netflix, Amazon, Conan O'Brien, James Corden, etc. And often other acts are dropping in, so you never know what to expect. For this show we have a whole lot of fun going on here! What a lineup.
Anthony K (Comedy Central’s Cluterfest, opened for Aries Spears, Damon Wayans Jr.)
Xander Beltran (Big Pine Comedy Festival, Oakland Comedy Festival)
Jade Theriault (Regular at SF Sketchfest)
Pat McCoy (Opened for George Lopez and Brian Regan)
Sureni Weerasekera (SF Sketchfest, Desi Comedy Fest, Oakland Comedy Festival)
Hosted by Jason Cole (Oakland Comedy Festival, Chicago Nerd Comedy Festival)
Tickets at Stand UP Broadway!